“My son not even speaking at the age of four. He is now in college and is doing amazingly well thanks to Dr. Eller. Thank you Best Practices.”

Sylvia, Mother

My child was suffering from awful tantrums and self-stimming. We tried everything, but me and my husband could not seem to help our son. Dr. Eller and his team worked with our boy Timothy, and trained us in behavioral methods. Tim is now in a main stream class making great grades. Best Practices are a gift from above.”

Jane H., Mother

“As a physician, I understand the science and issues of autism. Having a son with this diagnosis was tough, but I was determined to find someone who could help us. Dr. Eller is almost like a grandmaster in his ability to use compassion and science to help my son. Because of Dr. Eller, no one can see any symptoms of autism in my boy. I will never be able to repay Dr. Eller and Best Practices.”

Steven S., Father